
Creating Glass Beads
This technique-driven book propels beginning beaders many strides forward, introducing new skills and materials, encouraging aesthetic exploration, and giving specific instructions for creating 10 gorgeous flameworked glass beads. It's aimed at the ambitious novice who seeks to go past the basics and explore techniques that will serve as building blocks to developing an individual style.
Jeri pioneered the idea of using a group of "project testers" who tried every bead tutorial and created their own version of each bead. Their photos are at the end of each chapter together with a beautiful gallery of artist's beads.
Bonus material at the back of the book includes step-by-step instructions for mirroring the inside of a hollow bead!
Glass Bead Workshop
Those artists who have successfully mastered beadmaking basics want more techniques to enhance their repertoire. Jeri brings her extensive teaching experience to bear and offers intermediate artists her time-tested, workshop-based approach to expanding their beadmaking skills. Each bead introduces skill stretching tools and materials along with interesting equipment such as lap grinders and sandblasters. The book contains detailed tutorials for ten different beads including beads made on the "puffy mandrel". Each chapter includes a photo gallery that is a visual feast of other artist's work.